Psychological Services

Texas School for the Deaf provides a comprehensive array of psychological services. We have both Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSPs) and Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) on staff. Both teams work hard to ensure that TSD students feel safe and supported while at school. 
Our Licensed Professional Counselors 
  • Provide counseling services as needed
  • Provide counseling services as a direct/related service
  • Suggest interventions and strategies for instructional staff
  • Provide training and resources for parents and staff 
  • Coordinate services with other agencies and service providers
  • Participate in Student Support Team Meetings (SSTs) and Child Study Team Meetings (CSTs)
  • Create goals and objectives for counseling, monitor progress, and attend ARD meetings
Our Licensed Specialists in School Psychology
  • Review eligibility information and school records for incoming students
  • Conduct special education evaluations
  • Review educational testing with families and educational teams
  • Suggest classroom supports to students and staff
  • Make recommendations for interventions and strategies based on testing
  • Conduct testing and interpret placement testing results during the admission process
  • Conduct classroom observations 

This is not a comprehensive list of all that the team does to support our students. You are welcome to contact either Elizabeth Sterling, Special Education Director with any questions regarding these services.