Hello ! I'm Ellen Quaack and I am a Job Coach for Career Preparation I & II courses under the Career & Technical Education department. Before becoming a Job Coach, I worked as a Teacher Assistant for Culinary Arts class. This is my 9th year at CTE, however I have served a total of 14 years at TSD so far.
I graduated from Kentucky School for the Deaf in 1979. I went to Rochester Institute of Technology at National Technical Institute for the Deaf. I studied in Applied Art and received a certificate in Department of Computer Operations. I also am an alumna of Gallaudet University.
I am a proud mom of two grown children, William and Emily. William is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults). He will graduate from Austin Community College in May 2016 and plans to transfer to University of Texas in Austin. He plays in a band called, TOMA. Emily graduated from TSD in 2015 and she is currently a freshman at Gallaudet University.
I enjoy doing a variety of art at home, reading art history, traveling especially to a beach area, and watching X-Files!
You can find me at CTE between Monday - Friday, 7:45 AM to 4 PM.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 512-298-4195
Rom: Ford Building, Room 203
I graduated from Kentucky School for the Deaf in 1979. I went to Rochester Institute of Technology at National Technical Institute for the Deaf. I studied in Applied Art and received a certificate in Department of Computer Operations. I also am an alumna of Gallaudet University.
I am a proud mom of two grown children, William and Emily. William is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults). He will graduate from Austin Community College in May 2016 and plans to transfer to University of Texas in Austin. He plays in a band called, TOMA. Emily graduated from TSD in 2015 and she is currently a freshman at Gallaudet University.
I enjoy doing a variety of art at home, reading art history, traveling especially to a beach area, and watching X-Files!
You can find me at CTE between Monday - Friday, 7:45 AM to 4 PM.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 512-298-4195
Rom: Ford Building, Room 203