High School Dorms

High School Residential Program

Our  High School Residential Program is dedicated to empowering our students to develop independent living skills, responsibilities, and interpersonal growth. Our SEL curriculum provides the necessary tools and preparation for lifelong success. The five essential areas of our SEL curriculum include responsible decision-making, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and self-management.



  • Developing Healthy Relationships
    • Foster healthy relationships among young adults by implementing the Healthy Relationship philosophy and Hacking School Discipline practices.
  • Enhancing Self-Advocacy Skills
    • Transition self-advocacy skills to young adults by encouraging critical thinking dialogue and providing family curriculum nights.
  • Empowering Self-Regulation
    • Empower young adults to use their self-regulation skills by helping them identify and utilize their support systems.
  • Demonstrating Independence
    • Enable young adults to develop, implement, and consistently demonstrate more independent skills.
Michael Winchester, Residential Supervisor of High School Students
Clint Sadler, Residential Supervisor of High School Students