SPRING 2023 EOC Results
Available: JUNE 30th
SPRING 2023 Grades 3-8 Results
Available: AUGUST 16th
image of PDF file for EOC steps steps for Grade 3-8 family portal access

Each spring, students in grades 3 - 8 take the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®), and are assessed in specific content areas at different grade levels.  At High School, specific assessments  (EOCs) are given to correlate with students enrolled coursework.  
What grades and content areas are assessed for STAAR?
open book icon  READING
 English I
 English II
calculator icon  MATHEMATICS
 Algebra I
science flask icon  SCIENCE
social studies globe icon  SOCIAL STUDIES
 U.S. History
Students taking STAAR assessments receive a scale score that is linked to a performance level.  See for more information about STAAR and performance levels.  
There are currently two STAAR assessments given at Texas School for the Deaf.
    • STAAR is offered in both the Paper/Pencil and Online format for all grades and in all content areas.  For qualifying students (those with the Oral/Signed Administration accommodation) taking the online version of STAAR, TEA now offers embedded ASL sign videos for some allowable portions of each assessment.  Because not all allowable "read aloud" portions are available through ASL videos, students may still request the test administrator sign these sections, as needed.
    • Previously, students in grades 5 and 8 were given three opportunities to pass the reading and math STAAR tests, with possible retention in these grades if a student did not pass one or both of these assessments.  House Bill 4545 was recently passed by the 87th Texas Legislature.  This new statute eliminates the retention and retesting requirements for STAAR for these grade levels and content areas.  It also eliminates the optional STAAR EOC assessments for Algebra II and English III.
2.  STAAR Alternate 2 (STAAR Alt. 2)
    • STAAR Alt. 2 was developed by TEA to meet the federal requirements mandated under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), a federal education law previously known as No Child Left Behind. TEA designed the STAAR Alternate 2 to assess students in grades 3–8 and high school who have significant cognitive disabilities and are receiving special education services.
For more information and relative links about STAAR assessments and programs, please check this link and the attached FAQ below.  Please disregard the information Student Success Initiative in the FAQ below, as this document from TEA has not yet been updated to reflect the elimination of SSI explained above.
TX Assessment icon