Database Development & Support

TSD uses web-based systems and databases developed in FileMaker Pro for data tracking and as reporting tools. These systems are used campus-wide and supported by our Database Team.

The recent acquisition of new cloud-based systems helps TSD better support students and staff. Our new learning management systems for students and staff are Schoology and Bridge. DESSA is our program of choice for accessing the social and emotional needs of our students. 

We have integrated student incident tracking into our SIS. This data was previously tracked in three different systems. We continually evaluate and monitor our existing databases to ensure data integrity across systems, as well as streamlining any redundancies or databases that are no longer utilized.

PowerSchool (Student Information System) Summary

Texas School for the Deaf utilizes PowerSchool as our web-based Student Information System (SIS). PowerSchool is used to document daily attendance, incident management and to store and print report card information, sort student data, locate student and teacher class schedules, and provide information to parents about their student’s progress. We have integrated pre-registration into Powerschool to allow parents to enroll their students via the web eliminating many manual processes of the past.


Web-based Special Ed tracking application ARDS, assessments, SpEd Indicator codes, Schedule of services, parent agreements and student permissions.

  • Manages the special education process and improve the quality of Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) documents
  • Enhances compliance with Texas requirements and district policies
  • Identifies, prioritizes and acts on opportunities for Medicaid reimbursement
  • Manages complex RTI / MTSS processes
  • Improves 504 Plan efficiency and effectiveness
  • Ease paperwork, data collection and progress monitoring in your EL/LPAC program
  • Easily integrates with your Student Information System and transfer ARD documents between districts


PrimeroEdge is a provider of School Nutrition software for TSD. School nutrition all departments in one centralized cloud-based system that tracks nutrition, meal disbursement, student balances and NSLP data for all students.

MSB School Services

School Health and Related Services (SHARS) is a Medicaid program designed to allow school districts to seek federal reimbursement for certain health services performed for Special Education Students as defined by their IEP.

The district has partnered with MSB Consulting Group to provide software for documentation of services, X Logs, processing of paper documentation and SHARS claims submission. MSB provides printed materials at all trainings/workshops as well as a dedicated website for staff to get resources on documentation guidance (

Renaissance Learning Including:

STAR Reading, STAR Early Literacy and STAR Math

Standardized, computer-adaptive assessments created by Renaissance Learning, Inc., for use in K-12 education. Each is a "Tier 2" assessment of a skill (reading practice, math practice, and early literacy, respectively) that can be used any number of times due to item-bank technology. These assessments fall somewhere between progress monitoring tools ("Tier 1") and high-stakes tests.

Bridge (Staff Learning Management System)
TSD uses Bridge as our web-based platform for staff training. This is a fairly new system at TSD that will continue to expand and grow in the next couple of years.  We are currently using it for all mandatory staff trainings including:

  • Medication Administration
  • Blood Borne Pathogens
  • SORM: Drive Safety Courses
  • Annual Mandatory Trainings

Staff can use this platform to participate in live-trainings, e-learning courses and receive certificates after completing training. TSD is able to improve professional development and growth opportunities using Bridge.

Schoology (Student Learning Management System)

Texas School for the Deaf uses Schoology as our Learning Management System (LMS).

Because it’s a PowerSchool product data is easily integrated between it and our PowerSchool SIS. Our teachers use Schoology to manage and share academic content with their students in a digital environment. TSD students are able to submit their work electronically and collaborate on projects and ideas. Parents can track their student’s work, as well as communicate with teachers and parents through this platform.

DESSA (Social-Emotional Learning System)

DESSA is a cloud-based system used by TSD to assess and improve the social and emotional skills of our students. This system is used to track information for students in our Kindergarten through Transition programs.