FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

The following are general questions frequently asked. If you have additional questions, please contact your child's Residential Supervisor to inquire.
Do your dorms provide linens?

We provide sheets, blankets, and towels. Your child needs to bring their own pillow. Each student is expected to wash/change linens weekly. If your child opts to bring their own preferred linens for comfort, they are expected to bring the linens home weekly or use TSD’s washing machines.


What does my child need to bring?


Each student is required to bring the following for their dorm room: 

  • Pillow
  • Clothing hangers
  • Laundry hamper
  • Alarm clock
  • Containers for keeping snacks sealed
  • Clothing (season appropriate) and bathroom essentials for the week

Your child may also opt to bring decor items to make their room feel more comfortable or home-like - including but not limited to: rugs, lamps, posters, family photos, etc.


For a complete packing checklist with recommendations, please click here.


What kind of items are not permitted in the dorms?


For our students’ safety, we do not permit the following:

  • Toasters, microwaves (we have kitchens in each wing that are equipped with these appliances for the students to use)
  • Candles, melt warmers, diffusers, plug in air fresheners
  • Space heaters
  • Any other items not permitted under TSD’s Code of Conduct


Who will watch my child at night?


Each dorm program has a minimum of one Night Residential Educator working in the area overnight. Some dorms may have multiple NREs. The staff are required to stay awake throughout the night making 15-minute checks on the students. We have two night supervisors who make rounds throughout the night to assist staff when and if needed.


What do you do if my child gets home sick, or I want to talk with my child?


Our dorms and cottages are equipped with videophones for student use. If a student becomes homesick, we encourage them to contact their parents. Residential Educators will also notify the school personnel to be aware of the students’ feelings and to support them further during school hours.


Can my child have their own snacks and where do they keep them?


Students are permitted to bring their own snacks if they wish to. We require that students also bring a container to store their snacks. Snacks must be kept in the dorm pantry. Students are not permitted to eat in their rooms. They are encouraged to eat in the common areas.


Snacks are also provided for our students. It is important to note that school provided  food is in compliance with the government’s regulations for nutrition. 


Is my child allowed to bring iPad, cell phone, and/or pager?


Yes, your child may bring electronic devices such as computers, tablets, phones, or video games. However, the parents, students, and staff are required to sign an electronic agreement in which they agree to comply with TSD’s policies. 


The residential programs reserve the right to limit usage based on the department. For example, the students may not use their electronic devices past their bedtime, in order to encourage good sleeping habits. Staff will also maintain an inventory of the students’ electronic devices on their files. TSD is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices.


Will my child be allowed to go off-campus alone?


No, student may not go off-campus alone. Each program has their own procedure for students to go off campus with staff or their peers. 


Elementary Dorm With staff at all times
Middle School Dorm With staff at all times
High School Dorms With staff, or in a group of at least two or three, according to independence levels and subject to parental approval. Refer to program.
ACCESS Dorms Refer to program.


How much spending money should my child bring weekly?


The amount of spending money depends on activities/events happening during the week. You may also send a weekly allowance for snacks at Deaf Smith Center or for other things your student may want during the week. Parents will be notified of any special events involving extra spending money. The table below has the recommended amounts for each dorm program.


ACCESS $15-$25 weekly
High School $20-$30 weekly
Middle School $10-$20 weekly
Elementary $5-$10 weekly


Who will hold my child’s money?


Parents can set up a Trust Fund account with the cashier's office. It works similarly to a bank account. You may send money directly to your child’s account via a phone call to the cashier’s office. Your child can withdraw the money from the account anytime during the cashier’s office’s hours. Staff is required to contact the parents first for permission, however. Please note, staff do not hold the students’ money and TSD is not responsible for lost or stolen money. We encourage parents or the child to deposit any significant amount of money in the trust fund accounts.


Will my child develop responsibilities and skills in the dorm?


Yes. We offer “learning outside the classroom” using the Residential Curriculum and SEL (Social, Emotional, and Learning). We maintain a “spiral” curriculum in which students learn age-appropriate daily living and interpersonal skills to enhance their strengths and skills. Example: Elementary students may focus on learning how to tie their shoes or tell time; while high school students may focus on learning how to budget or do interviews for future jobs. 


What kind of activities will my child participate in during the dorm hours?


We offer a variety of activities, including extracurricular activities, curriculum nights, off campus trips, exercise, and so on. To find out more about these activities, please visit the following pages:

Student Development