Roles and Responsibilities

  • Be on time to class.
  • Sit where the student can easily see you, the Teacher, and the blackboard.
  • Become familiar with special vocabulary. Request textbooks, handouts, and materials ahead of time for review before class.
  • Wear appropriate clothing. Look neat and professional.
  • Act in a professional manner. Do not bring undue attention to yourself while interpreting. Do not carry on personal conversations with the student or the Teacher.
  • Refer student questions or problems to the Teacher. Clarify points when needed, but do not assume the Teacher's role.
  • Do not discipline, monitor student behavior, or assume instructional responsibilities.
  • Communicate to the Teacher any problems concerning the deaf student.
  • Be on time to class.
  • Sit where you can easily see the Interpreter, the Teacher, and the blackboard.
  • Bring appropriate materials and supplies to class.
  • Do not ask the Interpreter to tell you what you missed or did not understand. Do not expect the Interpreter to write down your homework assignments or help you with your work.
  • Do not talk to the Interpreter during class. Watch the Interpreter during lectures and discussions.
  • If you have a question about the lesson or your homework ask the Teacher, not the Interpreter.
  • Participate in class discussions. Be responsible for doing class assignments, homework, projects, etc.
  • Assist the deaf student and interpreter in finding the best seating arrangement where the student can see the Teacher, the Interpreter, and the blackboard.
  • Speak directly to the deaf student, not the Interpreter when asking questions. Use the blackboard or printed material for information (assignments, tests, projects, etc.) the student is expected to learn.
  • Follow the same discipline plan for all students unless the IEP states differently. Do not expect the Interpreter to tutor, discipline, monitor student behavior, or assume instructional responsibilities.
  • When possible, give the Interpreter printed materials prior to use in the classroom. Do not ask the Interpreter to run errands, make copies, or other aide duties unless it is in the job description.
  • Encourage participation. Include deaf students in the class discussions. Remind the student he/she needs to attend to the Interpreter and Teacher and be a part of the class.
  • Encourage the deaf student to socialize with classmates when appropriate.