Federal Grant Applications

DEADLINE: July 31, 2024

Texas School for the Deaf is eligible to receive the following grant awards.  Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or any input regarding these awards.

2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application

Title I, Part A: Provides supplemental resources to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families acquire the knowledge and skills in the state content standards and to meet the state student performance standards

Title II, Part A: To increase student achievement through improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in classrooms and highly qualified principals in schools.

Title IV, Part A: To improve students' academic achievement by providing all students with access to a well-rounded education; improve school conditions for student learning; and improve the use of technology.
2024-2025 Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century-Institutions: The purpose of the career and technical education (CTE) program is to develop more fully the academic knowledge, technical, and employability skills of students who enroll in CTE programs and programs of study.
2024-2025 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal)

IDEA B Formula: Provides supplemental resources to help LEAs ensure that eligible students (ages 3-21) with disabilities are provided with a free appropriate public education as required by federal statute.

IDEA B Preschool: Provides supplemental resources to help LEAs ensure that eligible students (ages 3-5) with disabilities are provided with a free appropriate public education as required by federal statute.

IDEA B Discretionary Deaf: Helps ensure that eligible students with disabilities (ages 3-21) are provided with a free appropriate public education as required by federal statute