FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


The following are general questions frequently asked. If you have additional questions, please contact the residential transportation coordinator to inquire.


Charter Bus Information

Does TSD own, rent, or buy the Charter Buses?


No, TSD does not rent or own the buses. TSD has a contract with a charter bus company. Annually, TSD invites bids from various companies on the contract for the school year. The school negotiates with the company to get the services we need. The company provides services for TSD along with hundreds of other businesses and organizations all over the United States and Canada.


Who drives the buses?


The company’s bus drivers are the ones to drive the buses. They are required to possess professional driving credentials, undergo background checks, and comply with other requirements for working with our students and staff.

Transportation Process


What if I am late to pick up my child?

You will need to immediately communicate with the head chaperone via texting the bus phone number, and drive to the next stop. If you fail to pick up your child, and we bring them back to the school, the social worker will be contacted.

What if my child loses an item on the bus?


All items found and/or returned on the bus will be returned on Fridays. The charter bus employees may also transport the items on the following travel day. Lost and found items are turned in to the Dorm Supervisors to share with their staff and students in hopes of locating the owner. TSD is not responsible for lost or damaged items. It is encouraged to keep valuable items at home, or discuss with your child the importance of carefully packing whatever they do not wish to wear/hold (i.e. hearing devices, phones, glasses, etc) inside their backpacks. 


Can my child bring food and drinks on the bus?

Your child may bring a reasonable portion of food/drinks to consume in one sitting on the bus. Additionally, TSD provides a light snack consisting of a packaged snack and a small bottle of water on each trip. If your child wishes to bring additional food or drinks for the week, the food/drinks will need to be stored in a labeled and sealed bag/container and placed under the bus.


What else is not allowed on or under the bus? 


Anything that can easily spill, break, injure others, distract the driver, has an engine, contains or is made to hold some form of flammable fluid or material. Additionally, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, vaping, and other illegal substances are not permitted either. 


Can my child bring a mini refrigerator, skateboard, or bicycle?


You may email your child's supervisor, CC Trudy Zhang, and get permission first. Once permission is given, please forward the email to Trudy Zhang. The items may then be placed under the bus ONLY if there is any space left after all luggage are placed under the bus.

Can my child stand/walk/sleep on the bus?


Your child may occasionally stand to stretch their legs or walk to the restroom to use it quickly. They may also sleep in their seats with seatbelts on, as long as their legs do not extend into the aisle or block the path on the bus. We do not permit students to stand or walk around for longer than a minute or two due to safety reasons. For example, sometimes a bus driver might need to brake hard or maneuver quickly to avoid an accident due to unpredictable situations happening on the road. If your child is out of their seat for an extended time, this could endanger their safety and increase the risk of injury. 


Can my child trade seats on the bus?


All students are assigned to the seats by head chaperones. Students must remain in their assigned seats for that semester. New assignments will be made for the next semester. If there is any reason a student needs to move, they may communicate with the chaperones. The head chaperones also reserve the right to reassign the students at any time if there are issues.


Can my child trade buses?


No. Students are assigned to a specific bus based on their home address. However, a parent may request a change in buses if they have moved to a new location or if there is an emergency situation.


Can my child ride a different bus to stay with a friend?


No. It is the parents/guardians’ responsibility to make other arrangements for their children to socialize together during the weekend. They may be picked up on Fridays or dropped off at the dorms after 8 pm on Sundays.


Can a day student ride the bus?


No. This is due to the residential transportation department receiving specific funds to transport residential students living outside of the Austin and surrounding area only.


Can my child trade stop locations?


Yes, if the stop is connected with the same bus assigned or on the same route.       

Can my child drive their car to the stop or to school?


Yes, your child may. You will need to contact Dee Mills to start the process of registering your child for student parking.