Bus Times & Routes

This section has information on the bus schedules, routes, and the phone numbers you may text the head chaperones at for communication.
During the transportation days, we also use the Life360 app to share our buses' locations in real time. You may optionally download the app and then text the head chaperone for the code access. 
Individual Bus Contact Information - Text Only

Bus 1: (512) 638-0291 • Click here to text Bus 1

Bus 2: (512) 348-1622 • Click here to text Bus 2

Bus 3: (512) 348-4039 • Click here to text Bus 3

Bus 4: (512) 348-9167 • Click here to text Bus 4

Bus 5: (512) 348-0566 • Click here to text Bus 5

Bus 6: (512) 348-9380 • Click here to text Bus 6

Bus 7: (512) 214-7137 • Click here to text Bus 7

Bus Locations/Routes