We ask you to continue to keep these TSD families in your hearts and prayers for the coming weeks and months ahead, as we know their needs for shelter, food, and comfort will be enormous and for many, long-term.
To date, most of our Houston area students have been displaced by the flooding and have not yet returned to school.
Right now, we have received clearance to send our home-going buses into Houston on Monday, and we are hopeful that most students will return.
We are grateful for all of the support and concern we’ve received from our wonderful TSD community and WE ASK FOR YOUR HELP NOW, as we all work together to assist them as they heal and recover.
Here’s how you can help…
- Make a donation to TSD students and families at tsdfoundation.org
All donations to the TSD Foundation are 100 percent tax deductible and will go directly to our TSD students and their families.
- Donations of the following items are also needed:
All goods may be delivered to the Social Work Department at TSD, in Cottage 568, at 1102 South Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78704.