Tips for Parents: Helping Teens Navigate Social Media


  1. Set Boundaries

    • Establish rules about screen time and specific times when social media use is allowed.
    • Encourage screen-free zones like the dinner table or bedtime.
  2. Educate on Privacy

    • Teach teens to set strong privacy settings and avoid sharing personal details like their address, phone number, or school name.
    • Discuss the risks of oversharing and encourage them to think before posting.
  3. Discuss Online Behavior

    • Stress the importance of treating others with kindness and respect online.
    • Warn against cyberbullying and explain the consequences of harmful comments or posts.
  4. Monitor Usage

    • Keep an open line of communication about their social media habits.
    • Use parental controls or monitoring apps to stay aware of their activity while respecting their privacy.
  5. Encourage Digital Breaks

    • Promote offline activities like hobbies, sports, or family outings to create a balance between online and offline life.
  6. Model Healthy Habits

    • Set an example by limiting your own social media use and prioritizing face-to-face interactions.
  7. Teach Critical Thinking

    • Help teens evaluate the credibility of online content and recognize misinformation.
    • Discuss the impact of comparing themselves to others and encourage them to focus on their strengths.
  8. Spot Warning Signs

    • Watch for changes in mood, behavior, or sleep patterns, which might indicate social media-related stress or anxiety.
  9. Discuss Consequences

    • Explain how social media posts can impact their future, including college admissions and job opportunities.
  10. Provide Support

    • Reassure them that they can talk to you about any concerns or issues they face online without fear of judgment or punishment.

Resources for Parents

  • Common Sense Media:
    Offers reviews, tips, and tools to navigate social media and digital content.

    Provides resources to recognize and prevent online bullying.

  • Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI):
    A guide to creating safe and positive online experiences for families.

  • The Social Dilemma (Netflix):
    A documentary exploring the effects of social media on mental health and society.

  • Your School Counselor:
    Contact your school counselor for more personalized support and advice.
