PTSO Election Meeting
- What
- PTSO Election Meeting
- When
- 4/13/2016, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
- Where
- MPR Room at TSD CTE Building
Two officer positions are up for election: President and Secretary. Both are two year terms. If you are interested in running for either position, send your notification of interest to Michele Westfall at [email protected].
Nominations are accepted (just make sure the person you are nominating knows about your nomination and is OK with it, to save everyone time).
List of expectations & duties for President (as stated in bylaws):
1) Preside over meetings of PTSO organization and executive board
2) Serve as the primary contact for the administration
3) Represent the organization at meetings outside the organization
4) Sign contracts on the organization's behalf
5) Serve as ex officio member of all committees except the nominating and auditing committees
6) Appoint the persons for the following positions (with the approval of the executive board): Parliamentarian, Event Coordinator, Assistant Treasurer, chairpersons of special committees, and other positions as needed
7) Work closely with the Treasurer and Vice President on yearly filings of federal and state non-profit tax returns and shall sign all tax forms.
List of expectations & duties for Secretary (as stated in bylaws):
1) Keep all records of the organization including the minutes book, bylaws, rules, membership list and any other records and bring them to meetings
2) Record the minutes of all meetings
3) Prepare the agenda for upcoming meetings
4) Coordinate the schedule of the meetings and make necessary arrangements for facility reservation and interpreter requests for the meetings
5) Develop and send notices of meetings to the membership
6) Handle the correspondence for the organization
7) Be responsible for maintaining and updating the organization's social media information including the events for the master calendar, website, and Facebook pages
8) Serve as chairperson for the following specialty committees: Membership, Child Care and Hospitality
9) Review and initial the organization's monthly bank statement and keep a copy in the records book.
- Fall/Spring Book Fair (Dec 2016 and May 2017)
- May Pool Party (May 26, 2016)
- Registration Day 2016 (includes Registration Day Food Truck Fundraiser and New Students and Families Orientation activities)
- Box Tops
- Apr 13 2016 Mtg Flyer.pdf 425.03 KB