Ranger Triathlon

Ranger Triathlon
10/14/2012, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM

Come join the 100 kids and adults already signed up for the 5th Annual TSD RANGER TRIATHLON on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 9:00 am. The Ranger Tri is a great, TSD SHAC-sponsored, health and fitness event benefitting the TSD Physical Education Program. 

The distances of the SWIM, BIKE, RUN are short enough for it to be accomplished by anyone and at the same time a good challenge.

SWIM = 4 to 6 lengths in the TSD pool
BIKE = 2 to 5 miles on the TSD campus road
RUN = 1/2 mile to 2 miles

There is also a $10 discount for students and staff. For only $30, you will receive the least expensive triathlon event in the Austin Area, plus an T-shirt, plus months added on to your life span, plus a great, GREAT memory!

Print and complete the attached entry form + $30 payable to 'RANGER TRI' in an envelope and you may drop it off at my office in Administrative Commons (between MS/HS). Any questions, feel free to email me: [email protected]

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